
There are several types of graphs available in the library, each with its own purpose and functionality. The most common ones are:

  • SmartScraperGraph: one-page scraper that requires a user-defined prompt and a URL (or local file) to extract information using LLM.

  • SearchGraph: multi-page scraper that only requires a user-defined prompt to extract information from a search engine using LLM. It is built on top of SmartScraperGraph.

  • SpeechGraph: text-to-speech pipeline that generates an answer as well as a requested audio file. It is built on top of SmartScraperGraph and requires a user-defined prompt and a URL (or local file).

  • ScriptCreatorGraph: script generator that creates a Python script to scrape a website using the specified library (e.g. BeautifulSoup). It requires a user-defined prompt and a URL (or local file).

There are also two additional graphs that can handle multiple sources:

  • SmartScraperMultiGraph: similar to SmartScraperGraph, but with the ability to handle multiple sources.

  • ScriptCreatorMultiGraph: similar to ScriptCreatorGraph, but with the ability to handle multiple sources.

With the introduction of GPT-4o, two new powerful graphs have been created:

  • OmniScraperGraph: similar to SmartScraperGraph, but with the ability to scrape images and describe them.

  • OmniSearchGraph: similar to SearchGraph, but with the ability to scrape images and describe them.


They all use a graph configuration to set up LLM models and other parameters. To find out more about the configurations, check the LLM and Additional Parameters sections.


We can pass an optional schema parameter to the graph constructor to specify the output schema. If not provided or set to None, the schema will be generated by the LLM itself.



First we define the graph configuration, which includes the LLM model and other parameters. Then we create an instance of the OmniScraperGraph class, passing the prompt, source, and configuration as arguments. Finally, we run the graph and print the result. It will fetch the data from the source and extract the information based on the prompt in JSON format.

from scrapegraphai.graphs import OmniScraperGraph

graph_config = {
   "llm": {...},

omni_scraper_graph = OmniScraperGraph(
   prompt="List me all the projects with their titles and image links and descriptions.",

result = omni_scraper_graph.run()



Similar to OmniScraperGraph, we define the graph configuration, create multiple of the OmniSearchGraph class, and run the graph. It will create a search query, fetch the first n results from the search engine, run n OmniScraperGraph instances, and return the results in JSON format.

from scrapegraphai.graphs import OmniSearchGraph

graph_config = {
   "llm": {...},

# Create the OmniSearchGraph instance
omni_search_graph = OmniSearchGraph(
   prompt="List me all Chioggia's famous dishes and describe their pictures.",

# Run the graph
result = omni_search_graph.run()

SmartScraperGraph & SmartScraperMultiGraph


First we define the graph configuration, which includes the LLM model and other parameters. Then we create an instance of the SmartScraperGraph class, passing the prompt, source, and configuration as arguments. Finally, we run the graph and print the result. It will fetch the data from the source and extract the information based on the prompt in JSON format.

from scrapegraphai.graphs import SmartScraperGraph

graph_config = {
   "llm": {...},

smart_scraper_graph = SmartScraperGraph(
   prompt="List me all the projects with their descriptions",

result = smart_scraper_graph.run()

SmartScraperMultiGraph is similar to SmartScraperGraph, but it can handle multiple sources. We define the graph configuration, create an instance of the SmartScraperMultiGraph class, and run the graph.



Similar to SmartScraperGraph, we define the graph configuration, create an instance of the SearchGraph class, and run the graph. It will create a search query, fetch the first n results from the search engine, run n SmartScraperGraph instances, and return the results in JSON format.

from scrapegraphai.graphs import SearchGraph

graph_config = {
   "llm": {...},
   "embeddings": {...},

# Create the SearchGraph instance
search_graph = SearchGraph(
   prompt="List me all the traditional recipes from Chioggia",

# Run the graph
result = search_graph.run()



Similar to SmartScraperGraph, we define the graph configuration, create an instance of the SpeechGraph class, and run the graph. It will fetch the data from the source, extract the information based on the prompt, and generate an audio file with the answer, as well as the answer itself, in JSON format.

from scrapegraphai.graphs import SpeechGraph

graph_config = {
   "llm": {...},
   "tts_model": {...},

# ************************************************
# Create the SpeechGraph instance and run it
# ************************************************

speech_graph = SpeechGraph(
   prompt="Make a detailed audio summary of the projects.",

result = speech_graph.run()

ScriptCreatorGraph & ScriptCreatorMultiGraph


First we define the graph configuration, which includes the LLM model and other parameters. Then we create an instance of the ScriptCreatorGraph class, passing the prompt, source, and configuration as arguments. Finally, we run the graph and print the result.

from scrapegraphai.graphs import ScriptCreatorGraph

graph_config = {
   "llm": {...},
   "library": "beautifulsoup4"

script_creator_graph = ScriptCreatorGraph(
   prompt="Create a Python script to scrape the projects.",

result = script_creator_graph.run()

ScriptCreatorMultiGraph is similar to ScriptCreatorGraph, but it can handle multiple sources. We define the graph configuration, create an instance of the ScriptCreatorMultiGraph class, and run the graph.