Usage AnalyticsΒΆ

ScrapeGraphAI collects anonymous usage data by default to improve the library and guide development efforts.

Events Captured

We capture events in the following scenarios:

  1. When a Graph finishes running.

  2. When an exception is raised in one of the nodes.

Data Collected

The data captured is limited to:

  • Operating System and Python version

  • A persistent UUID to identify the session, stored in ~/.scrapegraphai.conf

Additionally, the following properties are collected:

properties = {
    "graph_name": graph_name,
    "llm_model": llm_model_name,
    "embedder_model": embedder_model_name,
    "source_type": source_type,
    "source": source,
    "execution_time": execution_time,
    "prompt": prompt,
    "schema": schema,
    "error_node": error_node_name,
    "exception": exception,
    "response": response,
    "total_tokens": total_tokens,

For more details, refer to the module.

Opting Out

If you prefer not to participate in telemetry, you can opt out using any of the following methods:

  1. Programmatically Disable Telemetry:

    Add the following code at the beginning of your script:

    from scrapegraphai import telemetry
  2. Configuration File:

    Set the telemetry_enabled key to false in ~/.scrapegraphai.conf under the [DEFAULT] section:

    telemetry_enabled = False
  3. Environment Variable:

    • For a Shell Session:

    • For a Single Command:


By following any of these methods, you can easily opt out of telemetry and ensure your usage data is not collected.